Liquidity pools & staking

Liquidity pools yield-farming and staking pools.

Users can lock up their tokens earning interest over time,

Make more crypto with your crypto, lock tokens and earn interest over time.

Gigoswap Yield-farming

The application leverages blockchain smart contracts across decentralise exchanges (DEXs): Yield-farming also understood as liquidity mining uses liquidity pools from these DEXs. A liquidity pool is basically a smart contract that contains funds. In return for providing liquidity to the pool, LPs get a reward.

How to Add liquidity to get LP tokens:

  1. Select the pools by the token name from Gigoswap pool list, then click "add" to provide liquidity.

  2. Type in the amount for token pair you want to deposit into the pool.

  3. Click “Deposit” to add liquidity. After adding liquidity, you will receive the LP tokens in your wallets which you can now farm to earn rewards.

Gigoswap staking offers holders a way of putting their tokens to work and earning passive income without needing to sell them. We think of the high yielding rewards as incentives for token holders while they support the project growth.

You may think of staking as a less resource-intensive alternative to liquidity mining (Yield-farming)- In this case, holders do not need LP tokens to utilise the protocol, Just locking your tokens in provided staking pools, does the work.

Last updated